CSS Profile
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About CSS Profile
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Fee Waivers/Cost
What is the cost of the CSS Profile and what payment methods are accepted?
Who qualifies for a fee waiver?
What does a CSS Profile fee waiver cover?
When are students notified that they received a CSS Profile fee waiver?
What if I do not qualify for an automatic fee waiver and am unable to pay the fee?
Are U.S. citizens living abroad eligible for a CSS Profile fee waiver?
Do students who qualified for an SAT fee waiver need to enter a code to get a CSS Profile fee waiver?
Will a student who does not qualify for an SAT fee waiver be considered for a CSS Profile fee waiver?
Can a student who qualifies for an SAT fee waiver also get an SAT-based CSS Profile fee waiver automatically for both the custodial and noncustodial parent?
Does an SAT School Day or other SAT voucher grant a CSS Profile fee waiver automatically?